Tuesday, May 29, 2012

22 Weeks

Stretch marks?
Luckily I haven't found any of these little gems on my stomach yet. However, that one on my hip that I told you about a while ago is still rocking it's nice shade of purple, and I have recently inherited an army of them all over my chest. Welp, one's body certainly does experience quite an undertaking during pregnancy, so I guess it was only a matter of time.

Maternity clothes?
Can't get enough of them! I look ridiculous in 90% of my pre-pregnancy shirts, and I don't even think about squeezing into my old jeans. No one wants to see that. My favorite attire is currently some leggings, a big shirt, a belt, and some boots. I can look like I'm trying to look good while secretly just wanting an excuse to wear spandex. Lots of spandex.

Baby movement?
This is my favorite thing. Every week I can feel the movements getting stronger and stronger. It cracks me up when I can look at my stomach and see the baby is deciding to cram into one side of my uterus, morphing my stomach into a weird shape. I read that the baby is starting to establish sleep/wake cycle and that I should be able to distinguish that soon. Right now it's most active at around 9pm-11pm. I'm still in the phase where I actually enjoy it, however I hear the "stop-kicking-me-in-the-ribs-and-bladder" phase is fast approaching.

Is milk a legitimate craving? Because if it is, then I'm all over that one.

Every night is like a new adventure for me. I never know if my sleeping self is going to be featured in a violent action movie, a really random romantic encounter, a monster situation, etcetera. My dreams are always vivid and always weird. They never disappoint. 
Last night's was about strip poker and pumpkin pie filling. No joke.

Weird habits?
Nothing too out of my normal amount of weird. Right now, I just feel this incessant need to organize and prepare everything in my home. People have told me this phenomenon is called "Nesting". I call it "Paranoia". 

My poor husband. Here's the thing about pregnancy emotions: they are very real. Although we might acknowledge (inwardly, of course) that the crime doesn't warrant our reaction, WE CAN'T HELP IT. We really feel THAT mad about the stupidest of offenses. The other day I got mad at Will because he didn't know if the hamburger meat had been in the fridge or if it were left out. I got so mad that I threw the entire container of hamburger meat into the trash and was slamming around the kitchen. And then I'm mad that I through away dinner and I need to go to the store and get some more. And then I'm in the bedroom on the floor, BAWLING. So dramatic. Sorry, honey. Only 18 more weeks.

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