Friday, May 4, 2012


Moms and dads that have been through ultrasounds will agree with me when I say that there is no feeling in the world that compares to seeing your little one for the first time. Today we got to go in for our first (okay, technically second- but first "real") ultrasound. What a big change it was from the little black and white blob we saw just 9 weeks ago with indistinguishable appendages!

Thumb sucker already
This time, everything was so clear. We could easily tell the arms from the legs, fingers and toes, the facial features, even the beating of the heart. The picture was so clear that I could have counted the ribs if I wanted to, if I weren't so distracted by memorizing every piece of its little face. When we were watching it from the side, we saw a little arm raise up in the air. Totally fist pumping. Haha! We watched that same little arm curl back and extend it's thumb- headed straight for it's mouth! That's when the waterworks started. I couldn't help it but cry seeing our baby in action. I was so overwhelmed with happiness, excitement, and complete disbelief that all I could do was cry and smile, and let out the occasional, "awe".

I was surprised at all of the coordinated movements baby K was making. Itching it's ear, doing somersaults, crossing it's feet, and especially the thumb-sucking. I think s/he was showing off a little. We watched it yawn and then come down with the cutest case of hiccups I've ever seen. The weirdest part was that I could actually FEEL the baby moving from hiccuping while watching it on the screen. Talk about being blown away. After that 15-minute oogling session, the ultrasound tech got down to business. She took all kinds of pictures from different angles, taking measurements. According to said measurements, the baby is about a week ahead of schedule growth and development wise, and is in the 79th percentile! That being said, I could either 1. Have a watermelon for a child, or 2. Have the baby a little earlier than anticipated. (I am hoping for the latter.)

Tummy time
(head is on the left, you can see the spine along the top)

We got to take a closer look at the brain and the chambers of the heart as she took measurements. Do you know anything more amazing than looking at the brain of a child that has yet to be born? Yeah.. me either.

Guys, God is so good. I have never felt so full and blessed; He truly is an awesome God. I can confidently say that this was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. Knowing that it only gets better from here is what is really getting to me. Only 5 more months, baby, and I'll be seeing you suck your thumb in real life!

Dinosaur yawn! (face is on the right)

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