I apologize for my terribly-too-long hiatus from blogging. Our lives seriously went into over-drive the past few weeks- so much happening! But praise the Lord, we are in our house and are finally settling down. A little. Here' s a brief preview of what the past few weeks have involved:
- moving out of our apartment. Really, this bullet should be like, worthy of 5 bullets. It was quite the ordeal to pack, move, and clean at 8+ months pregnant. Cue husband.
-Finishing the remodeling in our house that we've just moved into. This is also worthy of a significant amount of bullet points. This process included hours upon hours of hard labor by my husband, brother, and cousin, Will cutting off a significant chunk of thumb via table saw, countless trips to Home Depot, haggling with a stingy saleslady over our hardwood, paint, paint and more paint, repaint, sheet-rocking and re-sheet-rocking, fixing our slopey floor, installing doors, knobs, tiling, carpet, light fixtures, and so on and so on. I can't take any credit for this bullet- however, I can claim at least 1/2 of the anxiety that came from it's ever wavering finish date.
-Baby shower #3. This was the "big one", you could say. It was the shower that had been set in motion months and months ago, and the one that had been anticipated for a while. Even though I knew it was coming up, it still managed to seem to sneak up so fast. Who knew baby showers could be so exhausting? It was so beautiful and so much fun. More on that later. Pictures to come.
-Being pregnant. Doesn't this deserve a bullet all it's own? Yes. It does.
I am happy to finally have settled just enough to take some time to breathe and write, two things that are both necessary for, well, living, and my sanity. I'm planning on taking this next month with a large amount of resting, ice-cream eating, decorating, organizing, napping, and thinking. All which seem to be conducive to keeping up on my blogging. But if I don't, I am going to thoroughly milk the excuse, "I'm pregnant, I do what I want" :) Hey, I only have 4 more weeks to play that card. I'm going to use it all I can.
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