Monday, August 6, 2012

Dear Baby

Hi there, little one.
I often wonder how you're doing in there. What do you think about? What do you dream about? Do certain things make you happy, and some things make you upset? I wonder if you cry or laugh or practice your baby talk. I know you got the hiccups day before yesterday, and MeeMaw got to feel it! You made us both laugh watching (and feeling) my belly move to the rhythm of your hiccups.

We're 31 weeks and six days along now. Can you believe it? In just two short months, you'll be here with us. Only eight weeks and one day until your due date. Where did the time go? It seems like it wasn't so long ago I was sitting on our couch holding the test that told us you were in there, smiling ear to ear. Now I sit on the couch and hold my belly and feel you move, smiling ear to ear. Funny how much has changed.

We had a doctor appointment this morning. You heart was going 140 beats per minute! The doctor said that you're head is down, getting ready. While you're getting ready in there for your big day, we're doing what we can out here to get things in order, too. Daddy and I (almost) have your name picked out. Well, if you're a girl, you don't have a middle name yet. But you will. We sat on the computer last night and picked out things for your nursery. You're going to love it! We love it already. We spent most of the day yesterday at our new home painting and cleaning and preparing for us to move in. We can't wait.

I read that you're 17-19 inches long and around four pounds. It's not hard for me to believe; your limbs often find themselves wedged in my ribcage or under my sternum. Your favorite way to sit is with your little baby bum shoved into the right side of my ribs, and your feet find their way anywhere from my belly button to what feels like my throat. It must be getting pretty crammed in there. My uterus is already practicing how to get you to come out  when the time is right. I don't like that part very much! Between your kicks, my working uterus, and my growing size, sleep is hard to come by these days. It makes me even more anxious for you to get here. (Which probably won't help the sleep, but at least we'll be sleepless together!)

As you're sitting or thinking or playing or swimming in there, I hope you feel how much you are loved already. You are our favorite conversation topic. We pray for you constantly and are counting down the days until we get to see you. We're almost there! You bless us more than you can ever imagine, and you aren't even born yet.

Love, M

1 comment:

  1. So sweet m. I cant wait to meet baby and find out the name :) almost there!
