This week also brings my second trimester to a close, making me that much closer to jeans without stretchy waist bands, putting on my own socks, and sleeping without 3-hour pee-break intermissions. Oh yes, and that much closer to meeting my little blessing :)
This morning I bought myself a $10 left hand ring to be a place keeper for my real one, seeing as my fingers are little swollen sausages these days and my slightly-more-than-$10 ring is no longer an option. I don't like my hand looking naked and I don't like to look single. As if my watermelon belly wasn't evidence enough.
July marks the start of bi-monthly OB appointments. This is both annoying and great. Annoying because I have to make my way to seaside and pee in a cup twice as often. Great, because it is one more milestone indicating that I am inching my way to the finish line. My next appointment is next week. I am getting my blood glucose testing and my RhoGAM shot in one day. Lucky me. I hear great things about this orange-flavored sugar beverage. (sarcasm implied.)
As for the baby, things seem to be going really well in there. My little 14-inch, two pound eggplant-sized baby is making it's presence known more and more every day. I have noticed that s/he is most active first thing in the morning and right when I am settling down at night. My favorite part of the day as of late is laying in bed early in the morning and just watching my belly jump around. Yesterday it was grooving it up during worship at church, so naturally, I'm pretty sure it's a musician. Will and I have been singing and playing guitar quite often, so if it doesn't come out a singing Chris Tomlin, I'll be surprised. Well since that's all I have for now, here's a picture of my volleyball-sized belly:
So close!!! I cannot wait until little baby K is here with us! :)